CCL Hawaii at CCL's Summer Conference & Lobby Day June 8 -11, 2024 Washington, D.C.
Much appreciation to Ashley Boggs and Paul Bernstein who represented CCL Hawaii by attending the Conference in Washington, DC. They met in person with Representatives Tokuda and Case and with staff for senators Hirono and Schatz. Most of the meetings included Zoom for remote attendees in Hawaii.
Ron Reilly’s Summary of the Town Hall with Rep. Tokuda
Ron Reilly, Rep. Tokuda CCL Hawaii Liaison, Hawaii Island CCL Chapter Lead and CCL Hawaii State Coordinator wrote this summary of the Rep. Tokuda Town Hall meeting along with some reflections.
Earth Month - CCL Hawaii, Carbon Cashback Hawaii and HECA
Citizens Climate Lobby Hawaii, Carbon Cashback Hawaii and Hawaii Environmental Change Agents - were well represented across Hawaii
Big Oil ‘support’ of Carbon Pricing
For decades, fossil fuel companies have misrepresented their own analysis of how emissions from their products contribute significantly to global warming. They have undermined efforts to address their emissions and climate change by sowing division within the environmental community and among the environmental justice community about the efficacy and impact of various policies.
Despite statements in apparent support, carbon taxes are not enthusiastically supported by oil companies. They claim they support carbon taxes, not because they believe in the policy but because they want to fight against stricter national rules.
In memory of Jeff Stark, CCL HI Maui
Here is Jeff tabling with fellow Maui CCL members.
Jeff Stark passed away on October 23, 2023. He was a passionate supporter of carbon cashback who wrote letters, made presentations and mentored others.
CCL-Hawaii volunteers met with Rep. Jill Tokuda
CCL-Hawaii volunteers met with Rep. Jill Tokuda, Energy Aide Mitch Heidenreich, and Hawaii Intern Aiden Waldrep to show our appreciation for the active role our first term Congresswoman is taking.
Climate 101… and 201
If you’re curious about climate change and what can be done to mitigate it, check out this Project Drawdown webinar - The End of Normal - Understanding - and correcting - Earth’s troubling climate trajectory, featuring Dr. Kate Marvel, Project Drawdown climate scientist. Marvel shares the basics of climate change, what contributes to global warming, the various greenhouse gases and their sources, and the actions that can be taken to reduce planet-warming emissions and draw down what’s already accumulated in the atmosphere. Check out the recording, learn, and share!
Lahaina is our window to the future
From the Honolulu Star-Advertiser Island Voices (8/29/23) - Lahaina is our window to the future
Utility crews worked on a power line along Lahainaluna Road, in Lahaina, on Aug. 11.
Lahaina serves as our window to climate reality and the destabilizing, disastrous threats of climate change. However, we can change this view to one that sustains and nurtures life and supports thriving communities. We must work together and commit to achieving a clean, renewable, sustainable energy future.
Accelerating the Circular Economy
CCL National hosted Ramona Liberoff, PACE Executive Director, in the August 2023 monthly meeting. Take a listen to learn from Liberoff about the circular economy, a strategy to ensure that goods, products, and services are maintained in circulation for as long as possible. This allows us to maximize energy, minimize waste and pollution, and enable true sustainability.
CCL National Conference and Lobby Day 2023
By Paul Bernstein
The CCL National Conference had a great buzz to it with close to 1000 volunteers and a great excitement for folks to see each other in three dimensions. Below is a link to the many sessions and a song recorded at and for the lobbying event. In all, CCL had over 430 (!!!!) lobby meetings There were 63 young people under 18, at least twice that number of higher ed students, and so much more diversity in attendees - it was great.
Climate Fairs 2023
Kauai Community College hosted a fair on Earth Day
The Hawaiʻi Climate Commission, in collaboration with the City and County of Honolulu and Hawai‘i County, hosted a pair of Climate Community Fairs May and June.
2023 Legislative Outcomes on Climate and Energy
By the Carbon Cashback Task Force
We could write a long newsletter about all the climate and energy bills that failed to reach the Governor’s desk this year, but we’ll opt instead for a summary of the smattering of bills that succeeded.
CCL Hawaii Statewide Meeting - May 17
CCL Hawaii’s May 17 statewide meeting included
A brief overview of CCL’s new legislative agenda
Watching the national call’s speaker, Adam Simon
Recap of recent successes and updates
Calls to action
Request to members to join the four Hawaii lobby teams for Lobby Day on June 13
In Memory of Mark White, CCL Maui Leader
Mark was a lifetime advocate for the environment and one of the founders of CCL Maui
Hawaii State House Passes Resolution urging National Carbon Fee and Dividend
A fee on carbon with revenue returned to households and a border adjustment is an effective climate policy. The Hawaii House of Representatives recently passed a resolution encouraging Congress to pass such a policy.
Hawaii Youth in Action
On Saturday, March 4th, Hawaii’s CCL Youth Action Team took their message on the road to St. Andrews, where the Diocese held an educational day for church leaders AND lay people. The team shared their experience and lessons learned around engaging with Hawaii’s legislature and the legislative process.
Carbon Cashback - Lifting the ‘Shade’
A price on carbon is a key to reducing carbon emissions as it focuses on systemic behavior change. It achieves this by creating financial disincentives to consume fossil-fuel intensive products and services. When coupled with a rebate of the carbon revenue, households can adapt to the cost increases of these products and services. Importantly, they can seek out lower cost (lower carbon) solutions, saving even more money in doing so. Over time, companies will respond with lower cost carbon offerings.
In Memory of Carol Cam, Lahaina, Maui
Carol was a much admired and appreciated member of the Maui Chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby.
Measure to Manage
Measuring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is essential in managing global warming. You cannot effectively manage what you don't measure, after all.
GHGs, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor, trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere and contribute to the greenhouse effect, which keeps the planet warm enough to support life. However, human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, waste management, agriculture, and deforestation, have increased GHG concentrations in the atmosphere, resulting in a net increase in global temperatures and climate change.