Carbon Cashback - effective climate policy
Hawaii’s legislators have the opportunity to pass a bill that promises to help us reduce carbon emissions in a manner that is efficient and progressive. The carbon pricing bill - HB2278 is designed to establish a “refundable income tax credit to mitigate the effect of a carbon emissions tax on taxpayers. Amends the environmental response, energy, and food security tax to address carbon emissions.”
Citizens’ Climate Lobby Hawaii, Faith Action for Community Equity, and several environmental groups are in STRONG SUPPORT of HB2278 and encourage anyone interested in policies that will effectively reduce carbon emissions while protecting our low-moderate income households to support the bill.
HB2278 was heard in three House committees and received overwhelming supportive testimony and will go on for a House vote soon. It will then go to the Senate for committee hearings.
You can help make carbon cashback a reality by actively supporting it. Calls and emails to your local representative requesting support if HB2278 and submitting testimony for upcoming hearings will encourage our representative to pass this measure.
If you don’t know your Representative and Senator, enter your address into the following form to find out.
If you don’t know your Representative and Senator, enter your address into the following form to find out.
Need more information?
Visit the following pages for more information about Carbon Cashback: