Senator Wakai holds the key to Carbon Cashback
This year’s carbon pricing bill - HB2278, aka Carbon Cashback, was referred to the Energy, Economic Development, and Tourism (EET) committee on March 11 but has not yet been scheduled for a hearing. Many have reached out to the EET Chair (Senator Wakai) to request a hearing and several have signed a joint letter to Senator Wakai and the committee with a plea to hold a hearing. It is critical that this bill is heard in EET by Monday, March 21.
Carbon Cashback is designed to efficiently reduce emissions while ensuring that low-moderate income residents are economically protected from expected price increases. It represents a significant climate policy for Hawaii. We’re hopeful that this measure will proceed.
To learn more about Carbon Cashback and what you can do to help, visit Carbon Pricing in Hawaii.
Our future generations plead for a livable world. Efficient and effective climate policy like Carbon Cashback is an important step in ensuring that we deliver on this moral obligation.